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Typography – Choosing Appropriate Fonts

  The Timbre of Fonts tim·bre/tambər/ Noun: The character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity. Choosing an appropriate font for a design is very important.  Like sounds, I believe that fonts have timbre.  They can be described as having intangible properties that normally wouldn’t be associated […]

PANTONE® PLUS Digital Libraries for Adobe Creative Suite®

Pantone® has released a Quick and Easy installer for their Pantone Plus+® Digital Libraries for the Adobe® Creative Suite® (CS). This installer copies the necessary swatch files into the correct folders and replaces the original Pantone swatches included with your Adobe CS suite. The installer includes the following PANTONE PLUS Color Libraries: PANTONE+ Solid Coated […]

More Than Words: An Introduction to the Art of Typography

    ty·pog·ra·phy: Design or selection of letter forms to be organized into words and sentences and printed or displayed electronically – Encyclopedia Britannica When a person thinks of typography, what would immediately come to mind? Thoughts of different fonts, editorials and designs involving typographic elements would most likely be the first to come to […]

Saving Money on Direct Mail with QR Codes

Although QR codes are quickly being adopted by major companies and industries, adoption is moving slowly throughout the small business sector. In an effort to promote Direct Mail and create awareness of the benefits of using QR codes in Direct Mail, the United States Postal Service is offering a special postage discount during the months […]

The Earth Day Design Inspiration Collection

April is an inspiring month full of colors and new beginnings. A month to celebrate All Fools day, Arbor day and Earth Day as well as a variety of holidays held by many different religions. It is the month where small animals that hibernate through the winter break out of their slumber, bees and butterflies […]