We live in a world of Color.
Everywhere you look color is influencing us consciously and subconsciously; naturally and synthetically: The blue sky, the green forests, the red stop sign, the green light. Color stimulates our emotions and motivates our decisions.
In this article we will investigate what some colors represent and how they can be used in your design.
Marketing and advertising employs the knowledge and practice of color psychology in its work to drive results. The main purpose of an ad is to motivate the viewer to take a course of action designated by the advertiser. Whether the call to action is to purchase a product, sign up for a contest or simply to modify the perception or mood towards a product or brand, color scheme is key to a successful campaign.
Colors can be presented and visualized as to signify verbs, circumstances, feelings, conditions, environments and objects to name a few.
Make sure to use color to assist in getting your message across whether you are designing a sell sheet or a logo. Remember to keep in mind the perspective of potential viewers can make a difference in their perception of the design in its entirety. Not every color will affect every individual in the same fashion. It is possible that an individual experienced something involving a particular color and may react very differently from everyone else. It is important to investigate the potential hazardous impact that a color may cause when researching and choosing color schemes. This includes cultures and countries which may have a different meaning of colors.




In what way do colors affect you? Have you used color in your workspace to help you be more productive?
Please share your comments!
Amber Napier
July 25, 2024This helped me choose the colors I picked for my yard sale signs. Thank you. I’m putting the theory to the test guys. Good luck!
Penelope Smith
January 16, 2019Color theory seems like a very important thing to keep in mind when you are trying to advertise something. I liked what you said about how the color red can mean love, warning, and energetic. That is good to know if you are trying to include red in your ad or home.
June 15, 2016To understand color psychology, first of all, we need to realize how valuable it is! I’m sure that colors impact on us and, yes, they definitely influence on our final decisions.
August 24, 2012I like photo splash so beautiful
Amber Napier
July 25, 2024Same!
August 16, 2012Thank you for writing and sharing such a great article! I actually turn on a blue lava lamp in my studio while working…it helps me visualize my thoughts and inspirations as free flowing and blue being a color of productivity helps a lot as well!
August 16, 2012CarrieLynn that is awesome. The blue colored lava lamp helps you zone-in like a heat-sink for ideas and inspiration. I’m going to try it…thanks for sharing!
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January 28, 2011[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Continental Color, Cliff Krauter. Cliff Krauter said: New Blog Post: Color – A Wise and Influential Choice http://bit.ly/eYqlaa […]